
Singer/ Songwriter


Upcoming dates:
"Wir sind Kinder einer Erde" - Kinderlieder auf der Spatzenwiese am
Donnerstag, 23. Mai 15:30 Uhr - Sonntag, 26.Mai 15:30 Uhr - Mittwoch, 05.Juni 15:30 Uhr

Kinderlieder beim "Liederfest im Spatzennest"
am Samstag, 13.Juli ab 14:30 Uhr:
Naturfreundehaus Spatzennest (Weidach)

Sonntag, 25. August 11-19 Uhr
Sechster Blaubeurer Bardentreff

Sonntag , 08. September ab 14:30 Uhr
Naturfreundehaus Spatzennest (Weidach)
"Wir sind Kinder einer Erde" - Kinderlieder

Donnerstag, 26. September 14:30 Uhr
Generationentreff Neu-Ulm, Reuttierstr. 23
im Rahmen der internationale Woche gegen Rassismus:
Songs gegen Rasismus und Diskriminierung

Vorschaubild - Youtube
Singing songs against war at the manifestation für peace, Easter 2022
Bardentreff Blaubeuren 2021
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Session with Mandy Strobel, John Donarsky and Annette
Singen beim Warnstreik der IG BAU 2019 vor dem Werkstor bei Heidelbergzement Schelklingen
CWF Koetz- An evening in August
Beim Sommerfest der Freidenker 2017




Oh, Santiana gained the day,
(Chorus: Away Santiana!)
Santiana gained the day,
(Chorus: All across the Plains of Mexico!)

He gained the day at Molley-del-rey [Monterey]
General Taylor ran away.

All of his men were brave an' true,
Every soldier brave an' true.

Oh, Santiana fought for fame,
An' Santiana gained a name.

An' Zacharias Taylor ran away,
He ran away at Molley-del-ray.

Santiana's men were brave,
Many found a soldier's [hero's] grave.

'Twas a fierce an' bitter strife,
Hand to hand they fought for life.

An' Santiana's name is known,
What a man can do was shown.

Oh, Santiana fought for his gold
What deeds he did have oft been told.

'Twas on the field of Molley-del-rey,
Santiana lost a leg that day.

Oh, Santiana's day is o'er,
Santiana will fight no more.

Oh, Santiana's gone away,
Far from the fields of Molley-del-rey.


Oh, Santiana's dead an' gone,
An' all the fightin' has bin done.

Santiana was a damn fine man,
Till he fouled hawse with Old Uncle Sam.

Now Santiana shovels his gold,
Around Cape Horn in the ice an' cold.

We'll dig his grave with a silver spade,
An' mark the spot where he was laid.

Oh, Santiana now we mourn,
We left him buried off Cape Horn.

Santy Ano for Pirate Lassies

Santy Ano


The Navy would never have a lass at sea,

Aweigh, Santy Ano

So I went in search of piracy,

Along the coast of Mexico.


And now we sail the Southern Seas,

Aweigh, Santy Ano.

And we'll have those lady-lads on their knees,

Along the coast of Mexico.


So heave her up and away we'll go,

Aweigh, Santy Ano.

To Mexico where the warm winds blow,

Along the coast of Mexico.


In Mexico I want to be,

Aweigh, Santy Ano.

With a cask of rum on a drinkin' spree,

Along the coast of Mexico.


Them native lads I do adore,

Aweigh, Santy Ano.

With their eyes that shine and coal-black hair,

Along the coast of Mexico.


So heave her up and away we'll go,

Aweigh, Santy Ano.

To Mexico where the warm winds blow,

Along the coast of Mexico.


When I was a young lass singing prime,

Aweigh, Santy Ano.

I had them Irish lads two at a time,

Along the coast of Mexico.


But I'd never leave the sea to settle down,

Aweigh, Santy Ano.

When I can have a lad in every town,

Along the coast of Mexico.


So heave her up and away we'll go,

Aweigh, Santy Ano.

To Mexico where the warm winds blow,

Along the coast of Mexico.


Though the times is hard and the riches low,

Aweigh, Santy Ano

Ah but we pirates must all "row and yo",

Along the coast of Mexico.


Songs and lyrics in german and english 0